Business owners who need financing often look for a line of credit. Lines of credit are very flexible and can provide your company with working capital when needed. They can be useful if your revenue is seasonal or if your business is growing quickly and you need money to pay for expenses. Furthermore, lines of […]
How Does a Commercial Line of Credit Work?
Business lines of credit are one of the most popular and most misunderstood financing products for small businesses. This article helps you understand how a line of credit works and gives you an idea of the qualification requirements. More importantly, it helps you decide if a commercial line of credit is the right solution for […]
Best Trucking Forums for Owner Operators
Running a small trucking company can be difficult, especially for new owner operators. One great source of industry advice and information are the trucking forums. They are a great way to connect with fellow drivers to share tips and information. In our experience, they have proven to be a valuable resource for truckers. Owner operators forums The following […]
Best Trucking Forums
Running a trucking company can be overwhelming sometimes, especially for new truckers. There are so many things to learn and figure out. One of the best places to get useful information about the business are the trucking forums. They allow you to connect with more experienced truckers and ask them questions. In our experience, these […]
How to Find Government Contracts
Summary: Government agencies buy products and services every day. They buy every imaginable type of product and service from almost every industry. These contracts are typically open to bidders and create a major opportunity for small businesses. This article covers how to register to become a federal contractor, how to find contract opportunities, and which […]
How to Finance Accounts Receivable and Inventory
Summary: Companies that finance their accounts receivables typically do so because they can’t afford to wait up to 60 days to get paid by their clients. Financing their receivables solves this problem and allows them to improve cash flow quickly. On the other hand, companies that look for inventory financing are trying to solve a […]
How Does Accounts Receivable Financing Work?
Companies that work with commercial clients often have to wait 30 to 60 days before getting paid. This practice is known as offering “net terms” and is common in commercial and government sales, where clients often demand terms as a condition of awarding a contract. Offering terms creates a dilemma for companies that don’t have […]
Finding Money to Start a Small Business (13 Sources)
Finding the money to start their small businesses is usually one of the first problems entrepreneurs face. For most people, this process can be challenging and very frustrating. This experience is often due to a combination of wrong expectations and looking for money in the wrong places. This guide lists thirteen sources of small business […]
How to Get Credit from Suppliers
Most established companies get credit terms from their suppliers. This credit enables companies to buy goods or services while paying the supplier on net-30 to net-60 terms. Clients usually demand payment terms from their suppliers because it improves their cash flow. They get to use the supplier’s services or products for a few weeks before […]
How to Finance a Roofing Company
Paying employers and suppliers on time is a major concern for small roofing companies. However, making timely payments can be difficult because commercial clients and general contractors (GCs) pay invoices in 30 to 60 days. Offering net payment terms can create cash flow problems for businesses that aren’t well capitalized. This article explains how construction […]